Press :
If you are interested in featuring Tortue de Mer products or images in your publication, we would be very happy to help. Please contact us and provide details of your publication, feature and issue date.
Please see a selection of our photos here: www.flickr.com/photos/tortuelola We have loads more so don't hesitate to contact us if you can't find what you are looking for.
Please, view our lookbooks here : Children’s countryside / Children’s seaside / Women
Please, see all the recent press articles about Tortue de Mer on our blog here: https://presstdm.tumblr.com/
About Tortue de Mer
Launched 6 years ago, Tortue de Mer (sea turtle in French) makes light summerwear for women, children and babies. Timeless, beautiful and affordable soft cotton kaftans, beach cover-ups, dresses, sarouel and summer trousers in a vast choice of colours.
As a business we only work with small family run entreprises known to us personally. We employ them to make our designs directly without middlemen. We currently work with families in Madagascar, India and Bali.
We also like sea turtles, hence the name and do our best to protect these lovely gentle creatures by supporting the Kélonia turtle clinic - the marine turtle observatory in La Réunion island.
For more information about Tortue de Mer,
Please contact:
Tortue de Mer - 10, rue du Collet, 06300 Nice, France
Phone : 33 (0)4 93 62 65 88
Email: [email protected]